About Your SECC & LECC
The State Emergency Communications Committee currently is comprised of the following members (substitute an @ for the 'at' in email addresses):
•David Turnmire, SECC Chair and broadcast representative
Dave.Turnmire 'at' idahoptv.org
•Charles Russell
SECC Vice Chair and cable industry representative
Other Useful Links
The above is the generic RMT schedule for Idaho. Your local LECC chair may have a customized version that clarifies the meaning of "Local Area" in your operational area. The Inland Northwest operational area follows the Washington RMT Schedule, which is coordinated with Idaho in the months of September and October.
Includes Monitoring Assignments. Note that this hasn't been formally approved by the FCC yet (submitted June 2022) but their enforcement bureau says it is OK to distribute with this caveat.
- FCC Part 11 (EAS rules)
- EAS Handbook (PDF version)
- Broadcast Station Self-Inspection checklists (section on EAS is useful, though handbook URL is obsolete)
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) by cellular industry organization
Forums and Mail Lists
- The EAS Forum
- Signup for the EAS Forum’s mail list
- Subscribe to IPAWS EAS Feed Notification e-mail updates
- SBE-EAS mail list
- Inland Northwest mail list (join. Useful for Inland NW licensees)
- EAS-WA mail list (Washington State EAS info)
- SW Idaho EAS Google Group (Useful for SW Idaho licensees)