• Representing Idaho Broadcasters

  • Networking

  • Advocacy

  • Resources

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The annual "Best in Broadcasting" awards program allows our broadcasters to strut their stuff with other broadcasters!


Just like that saying: "membership has it's rewards"  Join a tradition that is still trending, join the ISBA! Learn more!


ISBA Programs are designed to bring additional information and community based awareness to Idaho

Getting Your Message Out Through the NCSA Program

If you are a non-profit or state agency and want to get your message across in a more organized manner, the NCSA program might be the answer. Organizations that operate in the public interest, i.e. non-profits and state agencies who have a message that must be seen and heard in an organized manner can ask to participate in our NCSA program.


Under this program, a non-profit or government agency funds the ISBA to distribute their material. In return, the agency receives advertising time donated by the Idaho broadcasters.

The pre-produced spots for both radio and TV are delivered to the ISBA office. They are then distributed to every commercial radio and TV station with a request that they be used in the station’s regular advertising time slots (usually 1/3 in prime time) for the duration of the campaign.  The stations then report back to the ISBA office their use of the spots and how much it would have cost had the agency paid for the advertising time. These reports are compiled and the information is sent to the sponsoring agency.

The organization must provide us with pre-produced spots (preferably 30 seconds) and not be spending any money on any kind of paid advertising in order to qualify. 

Past Participants

Our NCSA participants are finding they have gotten values of at least 4-1, often greater from NCSA participation. For example, a funding of $15,000 (minimum for 1 quarter), could bring air-time worth $50,000 to $100,000. Those who have used the NCSA program include:

  • The U.S. Coast Guard
  • The Idaho Army National Guard
  • Idaho Attorney General
  • Consumer Protection
  • Idaho Department of Labor
  • Bureau of Land Management
  • Department of Justice

The NCSA also helps state associations to network and take advantage of co-op industry promotional productions to help support our broadcasters

For more information, call Lisa Owens, President, ISBA office at (208) 345-3072 or email Lisa at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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