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ISBA Scholarship & Grants



The Idaho State Broadcasters Association, founded in 1950, is organized to further the interests of broadcasters in Idaho. Professional enrichment of the membership is one of the principles of ISBA and, in that context, the encouragement of students considering broadcasting as a career is an important ISBA mission.


The ISBA currently offers scholarships and grants in four different categories:

  • Academic Scholarships  (Click the title for the application page)  Each year the Idaho State Broadcasters Association offers three $1,000 Academic scholarships.  Applicants must attend an Idaho college or university full-time, have a GPA of at least 2.0 in the first two years and 2.5 the last two years, exhibit superior potential in studies or activities related to broadcasting and be recognized and respected by his/her peers.
  • ISBA KIDS Scholarships: (Click the title for the application page) Another member benefit of "Bringing Community Service Home".  For current year High School Graduates who are children of full-time employees at ISBA Member Stations. Who may apply - eligibility requirements for a $1,000 scholarship. A high school senior, who upon graduation will attend any post-secondary institutions i.e., vo-tech, two-year community college, four-year college or university  (Private or public; in state or out-of-state)
  • ISBA Member Station Employee Grants: (Click the title for the application page)  As part of the "Bringing Community Service Home" this grant is for current ISBA Member Station Employees: Who may apply? Full or Part-Time Employees of ISBA member stations.  These $500 grants may be used toward educational classes, seminars, workshops, conventions and programs which will increase the employee’s knowledge of the broadcasting industry, but not for tuition or courses leading to a degree.
  • Education Debt Assistance Grant: (Click the title for the application page) A $1,000 Education Debt Assistance Grant is available to help ISBA member station full-time employees pay off their student loans. This grant is available to individuals currently employed for at least one year in Idaho broadcasting. 

For more information about these exciting programs, contact Lisa Owens, President, ISBA at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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